This is a directory of documents, product details, policies and forms for Vanguard Ireland domiciled fund ranges. It contains details of funds which are registered for sale in Europe ex UK.

Important notice

This is a directory of documents, product details, policies and forms for Vanguard Ireland domiciled funds. Not all of the funds and products referred to are registered for sale in all jurisdictions. Please review registration documents.

Vanguard European MiFID Template (EMT)

This template is directed at professional investors only as defined under the MiFID Directive. Not for public distribution.

If you have any further questions in relation to MiFID II regulatory changes and or documents please contact european_client_services@vanguard.co.uk

European Comfort PRIIPs Template (CEPT) v2.0

To access Vanguards European Comfort PRIIPs Template (CEPT) Version 2.0, please contact european_client_services@vanguard.co.uk.