How our funds voted

Proxy votes cast by the Vanguard funds

Important notice

Not all of the funds and products listed are registered in all jurisdictions. Review the fund registration document for the current list of countries that Vanguard’s European fund ranges are registered in.

The website below discloses the proxy votes cast by the Vanguard funds

Vanguard’s Investment Stewardship team plays various roles in the proxy voting process for Vanguard funds across the globe. Generally, the Investment Stewardship team is responsible for administering proxy votes on behalf of Vanguard’s internally managed funds and ETFs. In 2019, the boards of trustees of Vanguard’s externally managed funds delegated full proxy voting responsibilities to those funds’ external managers.

View the details of proxy votes cast by a fund for the most recent proxy year, July 1, 2022, through June 30, 2023. The vote information for the following quarters will be posted on a rolling basis. If a fund is managed by multiple advisors, each manager’s vote will display in the record.

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